A Quick Guide to Selecting Which Assessments You Need

If you’re not quite sure which psychometric assessments you require, use this handy guide.

Assessment Type

What it assesses

Answers the question…

Non-Supervisory staff

Supervisors, Managers and above

Determines the candidate’s current level of capability, and predicts future growth potential

  • Can s/he cope with the complexity of decisions & judgements at the level of the job?

  • When will s/he be ready for promotion?

Provides information about the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses (areas for development). Uses the job profile as a comparison.

  • Is this person suited to this job?

  •  What are the areas where s/he needs development to perform better?

Provides information about the candidate's verbal and non-verbal (numerical, logical) reasoning, learning ability, problem-solving ability and general ability to respond speedily – i.e. IQ (intellect) assessment

  • Does s/he have enough intellectual (cognitive) capability for the job?

  •  Is s/he trainable?

  •  Can s/he solve problems and make decisions quickly enough?

Provides a 360-degree behavioural profile of the candidate. Comparing superiors', peers' and reports' views of a candidate on 16 different competencies with the candidate's view of himself or herself, will show clearly if the candidate has any blind spots, and if so how significant these may be. Training, development and coaching needs are therefore accurately identified.

  • Does this candidate have the right skills and personality for the role?

  • What are this candidate’s “blind spots” that he/she is unaware of, and which may be obstacles to their careers?

  • What are the areas where we need to focus on development?

  • Why are some of our candidates under-performing in their roles?

Provides a behavioural profile of the candidate. Also allows one to evaluate the behavioural and competency requirements of a job, thereby ensuring you select and develop the right people into the right positions.

Does this candidate have the right skills and personality for the role? What are the areas where we need to focus on development? Is it worth investing in his/her development for career advancement?

(available in English or Arabic)

Offers employers a measure of a candidate’s specific skills and behavioural dispositions required of particular job types and therefore important for job success.

  • Will this person fit into … (xxx job type)?

  • Does this person have potential to advance?

  • What are the specific areas where we should invest in training and development for this person?

A general indicator of an individual’s strengths or weaknesses on ten personality dimensions generally perceived as important to job success.

  • What are the highlights of this candidate’s personality?

  • Does this candidate’s strengths match the requirements of … (xxx job type)?


A ‘quick screen’ assessment to be used when recruiting – assesses 3 critical job attributes in 10 minutes.

  • To what degree is this person likely to be ambitious and driven to be the best?

  • Does this person have the necessary logical and numerical reasoning abilities needed for the job?

  • Is this person likely to be hardworking, reliable, dedicated, punctual, conscientious, organized and a good planner?

contact us

Still not sure? Contact our qualified assessment practitioner for a free consultation.