Why You Should Use Psychometric Assessments
These tools tell us most of what we need to know about an individual's current and future capability, relative to a particular target role.

There are many assessment tools on the market. Our long-term clients (most of whom are large, blue-chip, international corporates) have indicated their preference for using the assessment tools we are recommending in this website. These tools tell us most of what we need to know about an individual’s current and future capability, relative to a particular target role. We use these to assist with career development planning as well as for selection decisions..

Modern research indicates that by using assessments, the accuracy of staffing decisions increases significantly. This gives assurance to both the organisation and to each assessment candidate that more informed, defendable and appropriate decisions are being taken, for the benefit of each party.

The MCPA assessment gives an accurate measure of an individual’s ability to make appropriate judgements relative to the complexity of a particular job. In addition, as the individual gets older, their capability grows, and MCPA provides a useful timeline for this growth path, to assist with career planning.

Each job requires certain key competencies. Every individual possesses a range of strengths and talents. The LPA assessment helps to match
an individual’s talents to the requirements of a certain job, to see how well they match. When there is a good match, the individual usually performs best, and is happiest. Where there are development needs, LPA helps to identify these, and to suggest ways to close the gaps.

An assessment of IQ and general reasoning ability can be very helpful in matching candidates to particular jobs. Some jobs require employees to be fast learners who are able to solve complex problems without much help. Other jobs are better suited to employees whose approach to work is more deliberate and procedural, ensuring consistent performance of tasks. The ECP assessment is an accurate measure of this particular trait.

For individuals and organisations who don’t require such thorough and in-depth assessments, we also offer the PDA, EPP and WRSP assessments. These can be completed more quickly, and offer a useful (but lite) synopsis of an individual’s strengths, suitability for a job and areas for development.

Detailed verbal feedback is available on request to each candidate who undergoes these assessments. Most candidates have found this feedback to be both interesting and helpful in regard to their own career development planning.

Our clients report that this feedback is highly valued by candidates (whether or not they are selected for a role), and that this significantly enhances the employer brand in the marketplace, making it easier to find good talent in future.

All assessment results are very carefully managed by responsible staff within the client organisation. These staff members have been trained and authorised to interpret the data, and to contextualise the information to assist with decision-making.

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Contact our qualified assessment practitioner if you have any questions.